

Age: 33

Hometown:  INDIA

How long have you been CrossFitting? 

4 years.

What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? 

Any WOD with pull up /power snatch. EMOM is my favorite, too.

What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise?

I would say burpees and thrusters.

What is your previous workout/athletic background? 

Only play some cricket.

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like?

I would say a little terrified in starting, but the coaches and people were friendly, so I quickly became comfortable.

What results have you seen since CrossFitting?

I’m definitely stronger than before, I also feel I gained mental strength and better discipline since joining crossfit. I’ve discovered a strength that I didn’t know I had.

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? 

My mental preparation is key for me and also, I keep myself competitive.

What is your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? 

Definitely Coaches are amazing. They know each one of you personally and keep pushing you.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? 

Go for it! Keep up solid routine, it will change your life.


Ze’ Alves


Alex Chevarie