Isaac Norman


Isaac Norman




 Port Joli, Nova Scotia, Canada 

How long have you been CrossFitting? 

This will be my 5th year of CrossFitting. 

What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? 

My favorite WOD is Fran (For Time - 21,15,9 thrusters & pullups) and my favorite exercise is back squats or front squats, equally as great! 

What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise?

 My least favorite WOD is McGhee (AMRAP 30 - 5 deadlift, 13 pushups and 9 box jumps). Not that there's anything wrong with the WOD itself, I just blew my back up once during it. Least favorite exercise is burpee box jump over, gross. 

What is your previous workout/athletic background? 

Was fairly competitive as a kid in hockey, soccer and track. Ran varsity track as a sprinter during my undergrad at Dalhousie. Competed in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport for 4 years. I think it’s been renamed U Sports now. Was a competitive surfer as a teenager. Had the honor of representing Canada for 4 years at international competitions. 

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like?

 My first experience at CrossFit Cayman was great. Very welcoming atmosphere and well structured class. I actually dropped in a few years back while I was just visiting the island. I remember Matt was coaching and I think the workout was a 15 minute AMRAP of thrusters, box jumps and push ups. I was trying to decide if I should relocate here for work and seeing the active crossfit community definitely helped to make my decision easier. 

What results have you seen since joining CrossFit Cayman?

Since joining CrossFit Cayman I have seen drastic improvements in my ability to work harder and longer. I’ve seen great improvements in my overall energy levels during the day. Physically I feel like I can do almost anything and aesthetically I’ve dropped a few body fat percentages. 

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)?

To be honest, I don’t think about anything at all. I try to turn my mind off and just feel the movements. I think that if you can quiet your mind during a brutal workout it has amazing carryover to other aspects of your life. Another thing that helps me is having a plan for the workout. Knowing when I’m going to take a break or put the bar down keeps everything smooth and steady. 

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman?

 Favorite aspect of working out at CrossFit Cayman is seeing everyone else at the gym working hard and improving themselves. I enjoy the challenging workouts and feel like the gym community pushes me to give my best effort. 

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman?

For anyone thinking of joining CrossFit Cayman I would say that CrossFit is for everyone. I would say think of every workout being just for you. Everyone is at different levels and abilities and everyone is trying to get a little bit better each day. The coaches and gym community will keep you accountable and help you achieve your fitness goals, whatever they might be.


Ze’ Alves